Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Weekend of Bad Wine and Bowling

Thursday night was the annual Wine Tasting Festival hosted by the Biotechnology department here at Assumption University. A somewhat dressy affair complete with plenty of finger food and a live band, this "wine tasting" was really an exhibition of what the biotechnology students had labored to produce: really really bad wine. Oh, but you bet we drank it. In fact, I think fifty percent of those who showed up to drink that night were Farang teachers at Assumption. It was an incredibly odd experience. Really awful (but consumable) red wine accompanied by excellent Thai finger foods and a band that, like virtually every other Thai band I've seen thus far, did not draw too much of a distinction between live music and Karaoke. All in all, thoroughly enjoyable. Here are some pictures of us having more fun than we probably should have been, and this Thai baby may or may not have gone home with us...

Friday night was perhaps slightly less odd, but no less fun. We went bowling, and this is one thing that the Thais don't seem to have made illogical. Bowling here is in fact even more efficient than it is in the states!! They have bowling shoe vending machines! If that's not an indication of an advanced civilization, I don't know what is. Here are a few pictures of Americans making asses of themselves at the lanes.


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